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Online modules designed to accelerate your personal development

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Instant access to a choice of module packs!

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When you purchase your block of modules you will get instant access to information from leading experts, helping you to take the right steps to accelerate your success.

These modules are fully interactive and include a mix of :

  • Online workbooks for you to read through - full of expert knowledge and thought provoking questions to fuel and stimulate your personal development.
  • Videos, presented by our carefully selected and highly skilled coaches which will inspire and challenge you each month.
  • Interactive activities that will intensify and accelerate your learning process as you learn new skills.

You will be able to work through each module at your convenience, on your computer, mobile phone, tablet or even sat on your sofa with an internet connected TV.

Register as a Member

The first step on your journey to personal success is to register as a member.

All you need to do is complete the signup form. It costs just £67 per module pack. Once purchased the modules are yours for life!

It's simple. It's affordable. It will make a massive difference to your life.

Start today!

Just a few minutes after registering as a student you can start your first module - simply log in using the details you chose when you signed up.

Each module is broken down into chapters, each containing a video introduction from your trainers, and a number of exercises.

Listen and learn from our trainer videos

All of the modules in The Personal Success Academy are delivered by the cream of the UK's finest coaches. They have been hand-picked from our carefully selected pool of experts and we encourage you to view each module presenters as your own personal coach throughout your Personal Success Academy journey.

Presented in a format that will work on your home computer, tablet, smart phone or even smart TV - you can watch these videos as often as you like before moving on to the exercises that follow.

Complete the online activities

There are a number on online exercises to complete in each module, all designed to help you get the most of our learning platform.

With every keystroke your data is saved, so you can come back to it later, even weeks or months later to see how you answered.

If you prefer to have a little more time to think about an answer, you can use our print option to generate a printer (and ink saving!) version of the page you are on.

Review your work, and move on to the next module!

At the end of each module, summarise what you have learnt and carry this forward into clear action points. You can revisit the module at any time.

Our modules are designed to be revisited - and we recommend doing so to maximise your potential!

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